Morning Meditation - How To Connect and Align In Under 10 Minutes!

affiramtion easy meditation emotional wellbeing energy guided meditation intention meditation practise oracle cards ritual self care self love tips Mar 11, 2024

I am super into what my beautiful business coach likes to call Magnetic Mornings!

Mine consist of any random combination of exercise, yoga, meditation, journaling and card pulls!

I'm sure you know the importance of getting a great start to the day, and on our spiritual and healing journey, it becomes an absolute necessity to make sure we begin with great energetic alignment and connection.

Problem is, as a busy mum, things don't always go according to plan. At the time of writing this I am currently home schooling my 3 kids, so really our mornings are pretty cruisy. This means that I can do my thing without having to think about what time we have to be out the door. 

But it wasn't always this way, and some mornings things do get a little off kilter. There are still some mornings that I have to do the best with what I have.

So, this is how I connect and align, ready for a kick arse, dream crushing, co creating day, when I am short on time.

1. Put those ear phones in, (lovely music makes everything calmer!) Take a few intentional deep breaths to relax. I feel into my energy, notice any emotions that are hanging around, or any situations that are moving through my mind.

2. I begin by focusing on Mother Earth, I see roots moving down into her core, feel her loving, nurturing supportive energy and bring that up into my Root Chakra. 

3. Here I like to repeat some affirmations, (I Am Safe, I Am Grounded, I Am Secure, I Am Nurtured), as I continue to feel my roots grounding me.

4. With each exhale, I then begin to bring her energy up though each Chakra. At the Belly I call forward my Inner Guide, at the Heart, I affirm that I Am Loved and Loving. At the Crown I ask for connection and knowing. At the Soul Star Chakra I ask to connect to my Higher Self and call forward my spirit team of the highest and best. 

5. Next up to Source Point, where I ask this beautiful energy to flow down and through me, flooding my Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual bodies. I ask for all bodies to be brought into balance, and for any outdated emotions, cords, contracts etc to be dissolved. 

6. I then ask for Source to bring my vibration up to the highest it can be today. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

7. Lastly, I squeeze in a card pull! (There's always time for a quick card pull!) Lately I have been asking, what does my soul need today? You could also ask, what energy can I be in that will work for me today? Is there anything I can let go of today? What self care do I need today?

And there you have it. It may seem complicated on paper, but once you get the hang of it, it can be less than 10 minutes. 

So, give a try. And I would love to hear what your magnetic mornings are made of. Feel free to contact me here. And for more quick and easy meditations for mums you can go to my Youtube channel.

Thanks for reading and happy meditating!

Hayley X