5 Journal Prompts To Promote A Good Nights Sleep

anxiety beginner easy meditation intention journal journalling mental wellbeing mindfullness mindset relaxation self care self love simple stress tips May 14, 2024

Today I want to have a quick chat with you and share some bedtime journaling prompts. I don't know about you, but I don't want to take the stress of the day, or my emotional turmoil into my dreams.

As Mums (well, as humans in general) we tend to obsess over all the things that we didn't do or should have done better, rather than celebrating all the wins.

When  my day has gotten on top of me and my brain won't quit, I find journaling super helpful. Not only does it help me to get everything off my chest, but it also reminds me of all the awesome things I have done, allowing me to give some love, compassion and big hugs to myself.

Here are some great journal prompts you can use, to get all the things out of your head and energy, so you can relax and have a great nights sleep.


1. What has been worrying me today and why?

2. What other feelings are coming up in this situation? (Anger, sadness, feeling defensive)

3. How is it making me feel as a person/mum? (Failure, not good enough, I'm too emotional)

4. Can I relate this to another time in life?

Close your eyes, take a few deep breathes and with each exhale set the intention for this situation and all the emotions and feelings leave your body and energy. 

5. Now write 5 things that you love about yourself, 5 things that you achieved today, and 5 positive affirmations.

Give yourself a big hug, close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths and fill your heart with love, spreading it to your entire body.

Night night! If you would like an extra meditation to help you, don't forget the Release The Day meditation I sent you with your Busy Mums Guide! You can find it  on YouTube here

Enjoy your journaling, and see you soon!

Hayley X