Amazing Affirmations To Try Right Now!
Dec 05, 2023As a busy Mum, I know how easy it is to get down on yourself. The list of things to do is so long, and if we miss completing just a couple of the 40 things on the list, we start to tell ourselves that we are just not good enough. We focus on all the things that we haven’t done, rather than focus on the things we have achieved.
We constantly question ourselves on decisions that we have made in regard to parenting, worry that we are getting it all wrong. When we look in the mirror, we wish we had the time to make more effort, and check out each new wrinkle, blotch and mark.
Getting into a negative mindset, begins a downward spiral that can easily take over. Thought after thought of how you should be and could be doing everything so much better.
Well, today I want to let you know, that number 1, you are not alone, and number 2 it’s completely fixable.
Your brain is an amazing organ, and the neural pathways are so easily changed if you know how to do it, and I am telling you now, it is really very simple.
I have found in my journey that using affirmation throughout the day and in meditation can change your mindset around in minutes, and used regularly can keep on a path of positivity and confidence in al that you doing when you show up for yourself and your family.
There are a couple of ways you can use these affirmations.
- In meditation. Put on some nice music, take some deep breaths, and repeat the affirmation/s out loud, allowing yourself to really feel the energy of the words. Bring your voice down until you are only saying the affirmation/s in your mind. Then move into silence, and sit in the energy for a couple of minutes.
- In a negative mindset moment. During the day start practising being aware of how you talk to yourself. When you find yourself saying something negative, reframe it adding a positive affirmation. ( EG. “I look terrible. Is that true, no that’s not true, I am beautiful and aging with grace!”). 😊
Here are some amazing affirmations you can use to help you change your mindset, and have a positive attitude towards yourself, parenting and motherhood.
- I Am Capable.
- I Am Beautiful
- I Am Courageous
- I Am Always Making The Best Decision For My Family
- I Am Worthy
- I Am Smart
- I Am Loving Towards Myself And Others
- I Am Abundant, The Energy Of Money Flows Easily
- I Can Face Any Challenge That Comes My Way With Ease And Grace
- I Am Loved
Try some of these the next time you sit to meditate, or catch yourself in a negative mindset.
If you would like some more meditation tips, grab my Busy Mums Guide To Meditation – The Ultimate Beginner Meditation Manual To Help You Feel Less Stressed And More In Control in only 5 minutes a day.
You can also join me on Instagram or Facebook.
Happy Meditating!
Hayley X