Are You An Awakened Mum Struggling To Find 10 Minutes To Yourself So You Can Connect And Align Your Energy?

Mumma, I used to struggle too! It wasn't until I discovered quick and easy ways to take time out for myself and fill my cup, that I started to become calmer, happier and  more in tune with my energy, emotions and what was happening around me. 

So if you're a busy Mumma, who needs a little time alone to effectively navigate your spiritual journey, I'd love to send you a copy of my Busy Mums Guide To Meditation Now!


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How Would It Feel To Have The Tools You Need To Navigate Your Awakening And Healing Journey?

To feel relaxed, centered and confident that you can take on the day with ease, grace and a smile on your face!  

Hi! I'm Hayley.

I help busy mums, just like you, find space for self care and meditation, so that you can release the overwhelm of spiritual awakening and healing, connect to who you are and be the woman you came here to be. 

I started Hassle Free Mum because I spent so long feeling anxious, depressed and disconnected from my mission and purpose. Once you start the healing journey you can feel lonely, heavy and misunderstood. I wanted to start a community where we can feel safe, supported and heard, where women can openly share their dreams, goals and healing journey. 

I love helping Busy Mums:

  • Discover what it means to really start to connect to themselves, who they are and who they came here to be
  • Learn foundational techniques to help with navigating spiritual awakening and healing
  • Explore ways to foster more self-love and self-care
  • Find easy and effective ways to meditate when they need to regroup

So how do you begin?


Introducing My Busy Mums Guide To Meditation!


The Ultimate Meditation Manual To Help You Feel More Connected And Aligned In Just 10 Minutes A Day!


*Great tips and ideas so you can finally find the time to meditate effectively, even with kids!

 *10 fabulous quick and easy meditations to get you feeling calm, happy, motivated and inspired.

*A calendar to create your personally crafted meditation schedule that perfectly fits your routine.

 PLUS  - sleep peacefully with my Release The Day guided meditation, perfect for a Busy Mum, I've included it just for you!

Grab Your Free Guide Now!